Hello, all! My name is Amanda and I am currently a sophomore student at WSU. I am a communications major with a concentration in Public and Corporate Communications and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Aside from being an Open House Tour Guide, I am also a member of our campus's Campus Activity Board - aka CAB. Being a communications major, I am required to take a technology class in which I learn how to use different forms of technology to help me in my career, such as, Photoshop, Garageband, iMovie, blogging, etc.
As my final project, I decided to create a blog about our home here in Westfield. I wanted to have the audience be students and families that are interested in coming to WSU. Being a tour guide and student, I want to show off the best of WSU but I know that speaking to adults about it can sometimes sound too rehearsed and stuffy, which is why I decided to write about our school from my own point of view. I want my blog to sound like a friend talking to you about how awesome her school is and be relatable, but of course, appropriate enough for parents to read as well. Luckily when I was applying to schools during senior year of high school, I had older friends who were able to tell me what the brochures and open houses could not. It was great being able to hear about the experiences of my peers and I want to be that for other students.
If there are any questions at all about WSU please feel free to comment and let me know! I hope that by reading this blog and coming out to see campus, you will fall in love with our school as much as I did!
- Amanda
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