Right next to the Apartment Complex is Dickinson Hall. Dickinson and Davis Hall are exactly the same. If somebody blindfolded you and placed you in either building, you wouldn't know which one you were in. Dickinson is on one side of campus while Davis is on the exact opposite side and both are first-year resident halls. Instead of the halls being separated by floor, the are separated by towers so to get from one tower to the next, you have to either cross through your designated gender bathrooms or go down to the first floor to get to the next tower. I will admit, it is kind of a pain sometimes, but it isn't that bad. Both halls have common rooms on the first floor with couches, chairs, a giant television, gaming system, kitchen with dining area, vending machines, and a pool table. Also, in each tower, there is a small study room! Perfect for those nights where you need to stay up late and get work done or hang out with friends!
- Amanda
- Amanda
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